10 Orang/Paket
MYR 4380
Malaysia - Selangor 雪兰莪 Klang 巴生

巴生 JJK 3天2夜小同安五条港 + 幸福村 | Klang JJK 3Days 2Nights BAGAN Sungai Lima Tour

五条港 是吉胆岛(Pulau Ketam )其中一部分的小渔村,有号称 “虾米之乡”的名堂。这里四面环海,满满的红树林,还带有浓浓的渔村风味。这个地方保留了很多华人水上人家传统的行业与美食。跟着我们JJK 将带你们了解捕虾米传统的方法(七星网),了解木板屋上堂号的典故,认识当地福建人,体验钓小螃蟹,参观Belacan 工厂,享用当地地道风味餐,品尝当地有名的黑糖碰糕和游船河看老鹰,黑沙滩,养鱼场等。

Bagan Sungai Lima is a small fishing village on Pulau Ketam also known as the "Hometown of Shrimp".
There is full of natural mangroves, the life in the fishing village is very simple. This place retains many traditional industries and cuisines of Chinese people living on sea. Follow us JJK to show you the traditional method of catching dried shrimps using the traditional "Seven Star Net', get to know the local Fujianese, experience crab fishing, visit belacan factory and belacan making method.

Enjoy local authentic cuisine (private kitchen prepared by Bagan Sungai Lima Magic Chef), taste the famous local brown sugar cake and experience the river cruise (feeding eagles, black sand beach, visit fish farm etc.)。

Hari ke 1

09:00 - 20:00

Own Breakfast 自费早餐 (建议:巴生港口新顺民咖啡店 / 新国泰 / 班达马兰新村大街)

10 am Gather at Port Klang Jetty (near KTM Port Klang) 集合于巴生港口
10.30 am Ferry In to Bagan Sungai Lima 搭渡轮进五条港 (视渡轮时间而定)

11 am Reach 预计抵达
Walking Tour Start 步行导览开始
- Visit Belacan Factory 工厂
- Temple 神庙
- Black Hole Cake 黑糖碰糕
- Fishing Crab 钓小螃蟹

1 pm Seafood Lunch 海鲜午餐
3 pm Boat Trip 出海游 (观看老鹰/养鱼场/沙滩)视海上情况而定
5 pm Tea Break 下午茶点
7.30 pm Magic Chef Dinner 晚餐私房菜料理

Rest 休息
Have a Sweet Dream


Hari ke 2

08:00 - 20:00

Breakfast 民宿简单早餐
Check Out 离开五条港 (Ferry Schedule 视渡轮时间而定)

Own Lunch 午餐 自费 后开始导览 (建议满园 1969-有故事的咖啡馆/ Pak Teh Kopitiam)

Check In 入宿特色民宿
Tour around the Jenjarom New Village 幸福村导览开始
- Pak Teh Garden 花圃打卡亮点
- Visit Temple 铜锣庙 / 村屋
- Peanut candy Making Process 了解贡糖制作 (视情况而定)

Dinner Own 晚餐 自费 新村美食 (建议闻名的飞板面 / 蒜香油条)

Rest 休息
Have a sweet dream 


Hari ke 3

08:00 - 13:00

Check out 退宿

Own Breakfast 自费早餐于新村菜市场
- Handmade Pau 洪家手工包
- Visit Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple 走访东禅寺

Lunch own 午餐自费 (建议巴生班达马兰新村美食街/港口海鲜餐馆)

We reserve the right to change the itinerary without prior notice.
Support by 7686 Travel Sdn Bhd

Note 备注:
This Fishing Village certain area is out of Internet coverage area
To view the Dried Shrimp is according to season 拍摄虾米视季节而定

Guided Tour + 1 Breakfast + 1 Seafood Lunch + 1 Tea + 1 Dinner + Boat Trip + Return Ferry +2 nights accommodation
全程导览服务 + 1餐早餐+ 1餐海鲜午餐+ 1x 下午茶+ 1 餐晚餐+ 1x 出海游+ 来回渡轮费用+2 晚住宿


Own Expenses + Tipping
个人消费 + 小费

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